Sunday, April 4, 2010

Chapter 6: Some Food for Thought

(Guy and Gal are walking on the road)

Guy: So which restaurant would you like to go to? Actually, what kind of food do you like
Gal: Ahh... Any one... Anything... Really, I just eat whatever and wherever... No hard and fast rule... Hmm... Service needs to good.
Guy: Ohh... That is nice then... I know a nice restaurant here... Let's go there.

(Just a random shot of the hotel, with people dining. Guy and Gal walk in the restaurant, walk towards a table, smiles at each other.)

Gal (after looking around): It looks like a nice place.

(Guy just smiles and nods, waiter comes and gives the menu aong with water, both are looking at their respective menus)

Gal: No starters for me.
Guy: Yeah, No starters.
Gal: I would have "some non-vegetarian food item".
Guy (looks at the girl, slightly surprised): I will have "some vegetarian food item".
Gal: Ok, Let me give the order to the waiter.
Guy: Huh.
Gal: I am never impressed by chivalry, actually offended by it at times.
Guy (smiles): I see and I like that.
Gal: Really, in this age and with all the talk of equality, liberation whatever... I have no idea why we expect chivalry and see it is a nice quality. We can do without it.
Guy: Hmmm...
Gal: All I ask for is a little respect and just spare me some of the gaze. I mean I think you are the only one I have met who has spent so much time with me and not yet looked below my neck.
Guy (slighly shy): Huh! ok... I understand.
Gal: No really, that is more important than some superficial act of...

(Interupted Waiter comes and the gal gives the order)

Guy: Of?
Gal: Ahh nothing, forget it... I tend to be preachy or speechy at times.
Guy: It is fine. I like it.
Gal: No really forget it, there is nothing more to say actually.
Guy: Ohh ok. Yeah, I was surprised to know that you have non-veg. I thought you would not be...
Gal (Interupts): Non-veg? Why?
Guy: Just my impression.. that I had of you.
Gal: Hehehe... hmmm.. Nothing like that... As I told you, I have whatever and wherever. So what you a veggie.
Guy: By choice. Just that I have a choice now so I need not eat an animal.. Listen, I do not have anything against a non-veggie... I am fine.
Gal: Hmm.. Looks like you are sensitive... I sense some too much care and affection there (Gal winks).
Guy: Just, Just like that. Just been like that.
Gal: So now I see why you are such a cynic? You think too much and at times too deeply.
Guy: Hmm... that is true... Yeah, I am a cynic... What to do? In a world, where some African nations are under constant pains like internal fighting, poverty and what not, and then terrorism, global warming... what does anyone do about it, Nothing!
Gal: I will tell you something, but you might not like it.
Guy: Go ahead.
Gal: I see what you are saying about the current world situation we are in and to be honest, yes, I too keep thinking if there will be ever be a better tomorrow?
Guy: Exactly...
Gal: But don't you think that the root of cynicism is still somewhere connected to your life..
Guy (with a questioning look): Hmmm.
Gal: I mean... How happy are you with your life?

(There is little pause here, Guy look down as though in some sort of deep thought, Gal sips a little water never removing her eyes from the Guy, Guy looks at the girl and then looks around and looks down again and looks at the Gal)

Guy: Yes, I agree. I completely agree. I do... You know...

(Waiter brings the food)

To be contd... Stay tuned :-)

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